Sunday, 24 October 2010

Sweedish Vampz 4TW !!

Oh, hai again :)
I cba'd to update my blog in over a month?? D:
I know.. miss me?
No!? - racist.
Lol jk I'm a student ¬¬
Well, I've been out and about with some mates and I went to Camden a few shards ago !
I bought a jumper and a sex toy... o.O ..  hey!, It had a smiley face on it and it said 'vibrate me, I'm homeless' :')
Daisy's Face and Daisy's dog ..
Ignore that.
OMG HALLOWEEEEEEEN IN ...                           24 x
                                                                        6 =
:S sozzle, I be shit at maths.
I don't even know what to do, although I may be going expo and shiz xD
I saw a film last night about a Swedish vampire and vaginas .. sure was interesting.
Oh wells, the protagonist is H.A.W.T sooo, everyone's a winner babeh, dats no liee (8)
Teehee, my life's been boring tbh, how have you been?
Wait, who am I talking to? :S
fuck it, you listen to my life so you must be aweshome.
I think I want to learn Swedish actually, and go to a ghetto and confuse every black person ^-^
but for now, I'm good residing next to a graveyard (L)
Blerujgbjfdvkh, I'm just blabbering on now  !
I shall try and make my blogs more frequent from this day, so you're not getting away from me that easy :)
I'm off
Peace and Murder
Catfish x